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Unique air dome in Sweden


In June our team of technicians successfully installed another astonishing full-sized football air dome – this time in Sweden. Distinguished by unique transparent membrane features, our newest air dome pushes the boundaries of air dome design yet again

The air dome uses our trusted DBS Plus membrane system, which provides very low energy consumption resulting in maximum indoor comfort and low operational cost all year round.

Air dome in Sweden

This air dome is also equipped with a DBS Smart dome system, which allows users to monitor and remote control the environment in the air dome from a tablet or a smartphone. It’s also equipped with custom-made energy-saving mechanical equipment.

Due to the harsh winters in Sweden we also utilized our snow-defense unit, which can in case of heavy snowfall prevent snow accumulation on top of the dome. This is an additional safety element and makes our domes safe to use even in the most extreme weather conditions.

But what really makes this air dome stand out is its check-board transparent window, which is one-of-a-kind. Besides being a unique design feature the positioning of transparent windows allows even distribution of natural light on the pitch.

DBS engineering always ensures we cater to our client’s wishes and even the most innovative design features can come to life.